BYO, which stands for "Bring Your Own" is built on top of Robertson's, which offers digital music lockers. Users can access copies of their songs from Robertson's servers using Web-connected devices. With their own music, BYO users will be able to create their own music programming as well as be able to fast forward and rewind. "They have total control," according to Robertson. The real hook here, though, is BYO's incorporation of news, weather, and sports.
Houston is the latest city to get Clearwire's 4G WiMax service, the company announced Monday.
Google is planning to bundle its Chrome browser and/or operating system with Adobe Systems' Flash in a deeper partnership, we've heard from reliable sources.
Google may have settled on a plan for dealing with Android fragmentation: slowing down and splitting up.
The United Kingdom's Security Service has introduced a redundancy program for staff who lack IT skills, according to the Intelligence and Security Committee's annual report (PDF).
Microsoft will release an emergency update on Tuesday for Internet Explorer that fixes nine vulnerabilities, including one that has been exploited in attacks on IE6 and IE7 systems, the company said on Monday.
DirecTV said Monday that starting in June, it will have four channels dedicated to 3D content.
The channels will include ESPN 3D, a 3D-only channel called N3D, one 3D pay-per view channel, and one 3D DirecTV on Demand.
Yahoo continues to inject social networking into its services.
In addition to a new iPhone model that works on AT&T's network, Apple is also reportedly prepping an iPhone that is compatible with Verizon's network.
Femtocells, network widgets that ease the problems that many suffer trying to use their mobile phone at home, are going to be selling like hotcakes soon.
But here's what I'm thinking. You shouldn't have to buy yourself a $150 femtocell. They should be coming with your next-generation mobile phone--for free.
SEOUL, South Korea – South Korea's president ordered the military on alert Tuesday for any moves by rival North Korea after the defense minister said last week's explosion and sinking of a South Korean ship may have been caused by a North Korean mine.
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia – Who doesn't want to be a millionaire? Maybe a 43-year-old unemployed bachelor who lives with his elderly mother in Russia — and who won $1 million for solving a problem that has stumped mathematicians for a century.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama plans to mark the start of Passover with a private Seder in the executive mansion.
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – American children aren't the only couch potatoes with nearly one third of children globally spending three hours a day or more watching TV or on computers, according to study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations.
NEW YORK - The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple may be working on an iPhone designed for Verizon Wireless.
WASHINGTON - NASA and the National Academy of Sciences are joining the government's effort to figure out what caused the sudden acceleration problems that led to Toyota's massive recalls.
Description of Normalization
Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database. This includes creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating redundancy and inconsistent dependency.
As computers increase in processing power, the software they execute becomes more complex. This increased complexity comes at a cost of large programs with huge codebases that can quickly become difficult to understand, maintain and keep bug-free.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) tries to alleviate this problem by creating networks of objects, each like a small software 'machine'. These objects are naturally smaller entities, simplifying the development task of each unit. However, when the objects co-operate in a system, they become the building blocks of much more complex solution.