Apple's new iPhone restrictions and the 5 stages of grief


A change in Apple’s new iPhone OS 4 developer’s agreement is putting application writers through all 5 stages of grief ever since it was released last week. According to the Kübler-Ross model, the 5 stages of grief are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Since the change, Anger and Denial have been reverberating across the net, with signs of Bargaining and Depression to follow. Is Acceptance on the way, or will this be the final straw that drives developers to Android and other alternative operating systems?
It started when Apple released a software developer kit for its upcoming iPhone OS version 4. Before using the new SDK, developers must click on one of those “I agree” buttons indicating acceptance of pages and pages of legalese that nobody ever reads. Well, almost nobody. Daring Fireball’s John Grober read it, and (in apparent defiance of Apple’s secrecy clauses) posted the interesting parts on his blog. Now Apple is faced with the biggest brouhaha since the App Store was created. Section 3.3.1 is the part that has developers up in arms:;col1


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