Digg Goes a Little Deeper With New iPhone App


Digg has long had a decent mobile site that displays well on an iPhone. But with its new native iPhone application, users can browse through the site's links and features with a lot more speed and snap. Unfortunately, Digg's comment and discussion boards are stuck on read-only if you're accessing the site's content through the iPhone app.
Digg's iPhone application is available for free at the App Store.
Last week, there was a pretty good amount of buzz going around for Digg's new native iPhone application. Really, generating any buzz at all about any particular iPhone app can be a pretty tough task, considering how many new ones launch each week. But in this case it's not so surprising, given that Digg itself is a buzz machine -- if a link to your site gets propelled to the front page for a few minutes, you may end up getting enough hits to crash your system.


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