Make Health Care Decisions


Benjamin Franklin stated "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes." To coin off that adage, health care attorney Nathan Kottcamp founded National Healthcare Decisions Day in 2008, celebrated on April 16. The purpose: to provide clear and concise information on health care decision making and to encourage people to plan for end-of-life decisions. NHDD is supported by over 60 organizations, including the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Association of Retired Persons.
In all 50 states, people are guaranteed the right to plan for a health care crisis (i.e. living will or advance directive) per 1991 federal law. However, data suggests: 95 percent of Americans say they have heard of advance-care planning - 71 percent say they have thought about it but only 29 percent say they have planned for a health care crisis.


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