Video game sales jump in March, reversing slide


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Sales of video game gear and software in the United States climbed 6 percent in March, industry tracker NPD said on Thursday, bouncing back somewhat after declining for two straight months.
Hardware sales slipped 4 percent in the month, but software sales jumped 10 percent.
Nintendo Co Ltd's Wii was the top-selling home console in the month, selling 557,500 units, while Microsoft Corp's Xbox 360 console came in second with 338,400 and Sony Corp's PlayStation 3 was third with 313,900 units.
The top-selling game in March was Sony's "God of War III.";_ylt=AgCBgQZ6MPEH_IGh47fS2qojtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTJuOXY4M2JqBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTAwNDE1L3VzX25wZF92aWRlb2dhbWVzBHBvcwMxNwRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA3ZpZGVvZ2FtZXNhbA--


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