HP's Memristor Tinkering Promises Big Things for Small Devices


HP's latest development in memristors -- resistors with memory -- could pave the way for a new generation of powerful yet small computer devices. Memristors are speedy, durable and high-capacity. "The technology has the potential to scale down to the molecular level, so it would certainly help us scale chips down to continue Moore's Law," said Yankee Group's Carl Howe.

HP (NYSE: HPQ) on Thursday announced that its research arm, HP Labs, has discovered that the "memristor" -- a resistor with memory -- can perform logic.

A circuit with 17 memristors
A circuit with 17 memristors

This could let data storage chips take over computation from specialized central processing units.

HP researchers have designed a new architecture that stacks multiple layers of memristor memory on top of each other in a single chip. Together with the taking over of computation from specialized CPUs, this could be used to create handheld devices with 10 times the memory of today's products, among other things.



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