Mexico may cut millions of cellphones to fight crime


MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Tens of millions of Mexicans could find their cellphones disconnected this weekend if the government goes ahead with a new law meant to fight crime by forcing people to register their identities.

Advertisements on government radio and television have been urging Mexicans for weeks to register their cellphones by sending their personal details as a text message, but on Thursday 30 million lines remained unregistered as the Saturday deadline neared.

Analysts said that any related losses for Mexico's largest wireless operator, America Movil, would be tiny relative to the company's overall sales.;_ylt=AgbxCvtNrUN2qp_Bkp3rEi8jtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTJxMWpnYWlsBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTAwNDA5L3VzX21leGljb19jZWxscGhvbmVzBHBvcwMxNARzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA21leGljb21heWN1dA--


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