Net Neutrality Will Score a Net Win in Congress


Comcast's victorious appeal in a federal court regarding its network management techniques will not be the death of the Net neutrality crusade as we know it. Now it's Congress's turn to get involved, and in doing so, it'll actually give more power to the FCC. But if there's one thing that needs to change about the Net neutrality debate, at least for the sake of politics, it's the name.
The DC federal court of appeals didn't actually bring about the death of Net neutrality. Hopefully, all it's done is bring about the death of the phrase "Net neutrality."
I write about technology, and I'm already tired of hearing those words and writing them. Not the concept behind it, mind you, or the implications for broadband development, "pipes" management, thorny regulatory issues involved or the politics that pit an activist FCC against a corporate giant. All that continues to be ripe material for a tech columnist, and I look forward to seeing how this all plays out in Congress.


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