New round of documents aired in Viacom-Google case


NEW YORK – Before it bought online video service YouTube, employees of Google Inc. believed YouTube's business was risky because it relied on pirated content and recommended pursuing a different strategy, newly released documents showed Thursday.
The internal Google documents, marked "highly confidential," were obtained and released by media company Viacom Inc. in part to bolster its case in a $1 billion copyright lawsuit against Google and YouTube.
Viacom alleges the companies built YouTube's success by promoting the unlicensed use of video taken from Viacom cable channels such as MTV, Comedy Central and Nickelodeon, rather than paying the creators.
Google bought YouTube for $1.76 billion in November 2006.;_ylt=AlvTZI30bt.KextgXdKbaRYjtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTJuajJ0cTMyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE2L3VzX3ZpYWNvbV95b3V0dWJlBHBvcwMxNQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA25ld3JvdW5kb2Zkbw--


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