Toshiba To Debut iPad-Style Tablets Later This Year


Toshiba, the world's fifth-largest personal computer maker says it will launch slate devices later in 2010, including models that run either the Microsoft Windows 7 or Google Android operating systems.
Jeff Barney, general manager of digital products for Toshiba America, tells Reuters that his company is exploring several tablet form factors, including a dual-screen tablet that runs Windows, and another slate with a 10-inch display. He predicts that these new tablets won't cannibalize netbook sales, despite the overlap in functionality. The Android-based device would cost less than the Windows tablet, Reuters reports. Both tablets, like the Apple iPad, would be used primarily for media consumption, including online video, music, e-books, and other digitized content.;_ylt=Ajx2Vbvi0fuK48ADJ5iR0WAjtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTNsdXE1c2M5BGFzc2V0A3Bjd29ybGQvMjAxMDA0MTYvdG9zaGliYXRvZGVidXRpcGFkc3R5bGV0YWJsZXRzbGF0ZXJ0aGlzeWVhcgRwb3MDMQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA3Rvc2hpYmF0b2RlYg--


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