Bill Ford: Few, if any, trade-offs in going green


LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif.--The U.S. auto industry needs to "go green' in more than one way, says Bill Ford.
Ford is committed to making its vehicles more fuel efficient by investing in a number of technologies, including electrification, biofuels, fuel cells, and more efficient gas engines.
But auto manufacturing itself needs to be "reconsidered" so that it's not all about smokestacks and environmental hazards, Ford said Wednesday during a talk at the Fortune Brainstorm Green conference here. Ford, the great grandson of Henry Ford, is the executive chairman of the company's board of directors.

Bill Ford speaking at Fortune Brainstorm Green(Credit: Martin LaMonica/CNET)
"It's incredibly important to the economic vitality of the country that we make things here. But we won't make things the way we did in the past--we have to do it differently," he said.


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