Can I be a Windows, Apple, Linux, and Google guy all at once?


I’m having an identity crisis. Regular readers of both this blog and my Education blog will know that I border on being a Google fanboi and Linux tends to work its way into my computer passions as well. I work almost constantly in the cloud and Linux obviously provides a cheap, stable platform for whatever I want to do online. My primary desktop and exclusive web and file server platforms? Ubuntu. Google Apps makes my life easy in my day job and manages virtually all of my communication needs in and out of work. However…
Apple is sending me a MacBook Pro and an iPod Touch to evaluate as an instructional platform and I’m actually excited about it. I’ve been tired of my MacBook since about 6 months after I got it, but more than a few Mac fans have told me that’s simply because I’m not fully exploiting the software and platform. Sure, I’m a cloud sort of guy, but how much am I missing in terms of creating rich interactive content for the students and teachers I support as well as for readers? I may find (as I’ve always expected) that the platform can’t justify the cost (and, in fact, that the platform itself may be a problem given its closed nature), but maybe not. Will the Mac inspire me to create new kinds of content when I’ve largely stuck with written media for so long? I may be reading-oriented, but a lot of people with whom I work and interact aren’t. We’ll see.;col1


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